The Construction Influencer with Nicole Miller
Are you in construction? Get ready to be inspired by Nicole as she goes one-on-one with the movers and shakers in the industry as they tackle leadership, sales, and most of all, inspiring and influencing others.
The Construction Influencer with Nicole Miller
Walk the Talk with CEO of PrimeCo. David A. Hopkins
“He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea.” - Thomas Fuller
This quote reminds me of David A. Hopkins, the #CEO of PrimeCo. in this latest podcast of #theconstructioninfluencer, "Walk the Talk."
No matter how many logical excuses and reasons he had and could have easily said, "Nope, looks too risky...and it could go horribly wrong," he and his team found an even greater reason to believe and work hard to take #PrimeCo to a whole new level of success.
Also in this #podcast, David had so many great speaking points and advice that all #leaders should have in their arsenal at all times especially when it comes to following through on your commitments. Broken #commitments by leaders lead to a broken #culture and a #broken company.